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Automatically formatting code with Spotless

As a step towards a consistent code style in our code base, we automatically formatted our code with spotless.

Currently, we apply spotless to files with the following extensions: * .key * .java * .g4 (ANTLR grammars)

How Spotless works

Basically, for every format/file type defined in the config file, the task spotlessCheck applies the defined function(s) to every file of this format and then checks if the result is equal to the original file. If not, a violation is reported. Note that due to this nature of the check, spotless is not able to give any detailed information about the rule that is violated.

The task spotlessCheck does not change the actual files on disk. It is also possible via spotlessApply to just apply the changes and write them back.

Note that there are separate tasks of the form spotless<format>Check/Apply for every defined format, e.g. spotlessJavaCheck.

Java formatting

Spotless supports several formatters, for Java files we currently use the Eclipse formatter, since it provides the most options of the available formatters and thus allows us to configure the automatic formatting in a way that it conforms to the KeY code style ( The configuration is provided as an XML file and can be found in scripts/tools/checkstyle/keyCodeStyle.xml. It is a version of the Google Java Style adapted to our code conventions.

Configuring the formatter options for Java (Eclipse formatter)

** Warning: This will affect the whole code base! Only change if you are sure! **

The config file for the KeY style is located in key/scripts/tools/checkstyle/keyCodeStyle.xml. Please do not just load the file into Eclipse, adapt it and export it again, as this will completely reshuffle the entry lines. At the moment, the entries are ordered lexicographically, which makes it much easier to find similar keys and also to compare diffs with git.

Unfortunately, there seems to be no documentation, so you have to look into the source code of org.eclipse.jdt.core.formatter.DefaultCodeFormatterConstants to see the available settings. Information about possible values (e.g. for line wrapping and indentation) can be found in org.eclipse.jdt.internal.formatter.DefaultCodeFormatterOptions.

Note that at least three completely different versions of the formatter existed: One old and very buggy one before Eclipse Mars 4.5, one attempt of a rewritten version that never made it into a release, and the current one. Be careful, since the second one supported some additional keys (see, and there are some config files around on the internet (in particular the Google style file linked above) that use these features, for example count dependent alignment. However, they are not supported in any release of Eclipse. Further information can be found in their bug tracker (long discussion!):

Disabling the automatic formatter for a part of a file

If a part of the code has custom formatting that needs to be retained, the formatter can be temporarily disabled as shown in the example:

// spotless:off
 * Java comment
 * that must not be reformatted.
// spotless:on
Between the pair of spotless:off/spotless:on, the code will stay exactly as is.

Limitations of the Eclipse formatter

The formatter is intended to do whitespace changes, so as a general rule, other changes are usually not possible (line wrapping in JavaDoc/multiline comments works though).

  • Enforcing braces on single line if/for/... statements is not possible.
  • String literals in code are not split/joined.
  • Line comments after arguments of method calls frequently exceed the 100 chars line length limit (see ...).
  • This is not really a limitation of the formatter, but there may be fragments (for example JavaDoc @links with long signatures, long import statements, long type declarations, ...) that are unbreakable.

While we could write custom formatting steps to solve these problems, this is very much work and probably not worth the effort.

Gitlab Job

The Gitlab Job format checks the formatting for every commit that is pushed to a MR by running the spotlessCheck gradle task. Please make sure that your code conforms to the KeY coding style and the task passes without violations.

Configuring git blame to ignore the large formatting commit(s)

To prevent the large commit that just applies the reformatting from cluttering the result of git blame, you can do the following (in the main KeY directory):

# commit with automatic reformatting for Java files
echo d1be82c163b48fcc87991afc33f50c1380bf4949 > blame-ignore-refs.txt
# commit with automatic reformatting for .key files
echo f8441bba87de6fdc63ea3078a9fa0c79139b8b0a >> blame-ignore-refs.txt
# commit with manual formatting corrections
echo e405e67cb69ac9621efaa6098e87d03fb39a3efa >> blame-ignore-refs.txt
git config blame.ignoreRevsFile <optional/path/to/>blame-ignore-refs.txt
Note: The (optional) path has to be relative to the root directory of the repository, not to the directory you are in when running the command.