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Testing of KeY

Usage of RunAllProofs JUnit implementation

May 2015 Kai Wallisch

RunAllProofs is a test routine in KeY verifying that a set of .key files can be opened and proven by the KeY prover without user interaction. Proofs created during a test are reloaded after saving them to the file system to test the save/load mechanism. Also, RunAllProofs verifies that another set of .key files (containing invalid statements) can not be proven automatically.

The previous version of RunAllProofs was realized as a Perl script. This has now been replaced by a Java JUnit implementation. Main benefits of the new implementation are:

  • Can be significantly faster, depending on fork mode settings (see subitem "Fork Modes" for more information).
  • Creates possibility for uncovering memory leaks by investigating RunAllProofs statistics because intended usage scenario is now to execute all tests in a single process (see "Fork Modes" and "Statistics" sections below).
  • Better/easier Jenkins integration provided by JUnit.

RunAllProofs Invocations

The following possibilities are currently available to start a RunAllProofs test run:

  • Execute shell script key/scripts/runAllProofs

  • Execute ant task "runAllProofs" in component key.core.test, for instance from root of KeY git repository the following should work:

ant -buildfile key/key.core.test/build.xml runAllProofs
  • Execute ant task "test-deploy" in component key.core.test. This task is mainly intended for a Jenkins test run. It can be manually invoked with:
         ant -buildfile key/key.core.test/build.xml test-deploy

The recommended tool for a user to execute RunAllProofs locally is by executing the shell script key/scripts/runAllProofs. Invocation of this script without any arguments starts a RunAllProofs test run with standard settings. Check output of key/scripts/runAllProofs --help to see available command line parameters.

Executing ant task runAllProofs should do the same as the command line script. It is recommended over ant task test-deploy for local test runs.

Syntax of the Proof Collection/Index File


This section does not reflect recent KeY developments. In particular, this list is now defined in code.

There is an proof collection (or index) file containing the declaration the sets of .key files that will be tested during RunAllProofs test run. This file is currently located in KeY git-repository at: key/key.ui/examples/index/automaticJAVADL.txt.

A small antlr parser was written for this file. Corresponding antlr grammar is located at: key/key.core.test/src/de/uka/ilkd/key/proof/runallproofs/proofcollection/ProofCollection.g.

The proof collection file is composed of the following components:

  • Comments
  • Settings declarations
  • Declarations of test groups

The different components are explained below. It is recommended to look up automaticJAVADL.txt as an example.


The following comment styles are supported:

# Single-line shell-style comment

// Single-line C-style comment

 * Multi-line C-style comment

Settings Declarations

Proof collections settings entries are key-value pairs, which must occur before the first test group declaration. The following syntax is used for settings declarations:

  key = value

A key is an arbitrary identifier composed of letters and digits starting with a letter. Value can be either of the following:

  • an identifier starting with a letter, followed by a combination of letters and digits
  • a number
  • a quoted string (a string literal)
  • an unquoted path string


baseDirectory = ../
statisticsFile = ../../key.core.test/testresults/runallproofs/runStatistics.csv
forkMode = perGroup
reloadEnabled = true
userName = "Foo Bar"
tempDir = ../../key.core.test/runallproofs_tmp
multiLine = "String literals
             may contain line breaks!"

The following settings are currently supported:

  • baseDirectory: Specifies a base directory of the proof lookup. All paths (except base directory path itself) in proof collection file are resolved relative to baseDirectory. The base directory itself can be specified by a relative path as well. It is then resolved relative to location of proof collection file automaticJAVADL.txt. If not specified, parent folder of proof collection file is chosen.

  • statisticsFile: If specified, statistics of a run of RunAllProofs run will be written to the given file. If not specified, code for writing statistics is skipped. See subitem "Test Statistics" for more information.

  • forkMode: Specifies fork mode that will be used for a test run. See subitem "Fork Modes" for explanation of different fork modes. If not specified, this setting will default to "noFork".

  • reloadEnabled: Boolean value (specify "true" or "false"), which specifies whether every successful proof attempt will be followed by a reloading of that proof. The loading mechanism in KeY tends to be unstable - these test cases help detecting weak spots here. Default value is true. Test files that are not expected to be provable will never be reloaded, even if their corresponding proof obligations ends up in a closed proof.

  • keySettings: String literal for the default KeY settings, that will be loaded before each proof attempt. Defaults to the empty string.

  • tempDir: Temporary directory that is used by RunAllProofs for inter process communication when running in forked mode.

  • forkTimeout: If the fork mode is not set to noFork, the launched subprocesses are terminated as soon as the timeout specified here has elapsed. No timeout occurs if not specified. Value is in seconds.

  • forkMemory: If the fork mode is not set to noFork, the launched subprocesses get the specified amount of heap memory. The value is passed directly to the Java process using -Xmx (like 500m or 2G).


The available options are also listed in automaticJAVADL.txt. You should look there, too.

Proof collection settings can be specified in the following ways:

  • at the beginning (before the first test group declaration) of proof collection index file automaticJAVADL.txt

  • inside of a test group in automaticJAVADL.txt. These settings are then LOCAL to that particular group.

  • as system properties - all system properties starting with key.runallproofs. are assumed to be settings assignments for RunAllProofs and can be set via JVM arguments in the following way: java [...] -Dkey.runallproofs.forkMode=perFile -Dkey.runallproofs.reloadEnabled=false [...]

If a settings key is assigned mutltiple times at different places, the declaration with the highest priority takes precedence for that key. Priorities are determined according to the following order:

  • Highest: Declarations via system property -Dkey.runallproofs.*
  • 2nd-highest: Declarations inside the current test group.
  • 2nd-lowest: Declarations in proof collection file outside of a group.
  • lowest: Default values. (can be overridden by all other levels)

Proof collection parser is forgiving in the sense that unknown settings are parsed without an error (unless they are syntactically incorrect) but will not influence a test run. Caution: Typos in settings may thus escape the developer's notice!

Declarations of test groups

Test groups can be declared in two different ways in a proof collection file. Either explicitly grouped or ungrouped. Test Files that are grouped together will be executed in the same subprocess when fork mode "perGroup" is activated. Each individual file gets its own subprocess in fork mode "perFile" (regardless of groups). The files are declared by a path name (which is treated relative to base directory) preceded by a test property to be verified.

All settings declarations must precede test group declarations. However, groups can have custom settings declarations, overriding the gloval settings. These settings must precede .key files (see example below) within the group declarations.

The following test properties are currently supported:

  • provable: Test whether the corresponding .key file can be proven by KeY. In case proof can be closed successfully and reload is enabled, it will be saved and reloaded after prover has finished.

  • notprovable: Verify that the corresponding .key file can not be proven automatically by KeY. Proofs are not reloaded for those files.

  • loadable: With this option, it is only verified if the corresponding .key file can be opened successfully by KeY. Proof attempt is skipped with this option.

Example for a group declaration with custom/local settings:

  group newBook {
    forkMode = perFile
    reloadEnabled = false
    provable ./newBook/09.list_modelfield/ArrayList.add.key
    provable ./newBook/09.list_modelfield/ArrayList.remFirst.key
    provable ./newBook/09.list_modelfield/ArrayList.empty.key
    provable ./newBook/09.list_modelfield/ArrayList.size.key
    provable ./newBook/09.list_modelfield/ArrayList.get.key

.key file declarations are also allowed outside of groups, for example:

  provable ./standard_key/java_dl/methodCall.key
  notprovable ./standard_key/java_dl/jml-min/min-unprovable1.key

which is similar to the following explicit group declarations:

  group methodCall.key {
    provable ./standard_key/java_dl/methodCall.key
  group min-unprovable1.key {
    notprovable ./standard_key/java_dl/jml-min/min-unprovable1.key 

Fork Modes

There are different fork mode settings available which influence how often fresh Java virtual machines (JVM) are launched during RunAllProofs test run. Default is the value "noFork" which prevents RunAllProofs from launching Java processes entirely (everything is executed within the VM running the test). However, in case memory leaks occur and have a significant impact on test performance, it is recommended to use one of the other available fork mode settings.

The following fork modes are available:

  • noFork: RunAllProofs is executed in the current JVM
  • perGroup: A new JVM is launched for each group of test files.
  • perFile: A new JVM is created for each individual test file (regardless of groups).

Example: Setting fork mode to "perFile" can be done with the following line in automaticJAVADL.txt:

forkMode = perFile

Test Statistics

In case a path is specified via settings key "statisticsFile", RunAllProofs will save proof statistics to that file. It contains information about runtime, memory consumption, rule applications and others.

Example for declaration of a statistics file in automaticJAVADL.txt:

statisticsFile = ../../key.core.test/testresults/runallproofs/runStatistics.csv

Proof Reloading

RunAllProofs will attempt to reload proofs that were retrieved during a successful proof attempt for files that are marked provable. Proof reloading can be disabled via settings key reloadEnabled as follows:

reloadEnabled = true