Proving JML Contracts¶
Now we apply the described proof obligations to the tutorial example. First we demonstrate the generation of proof obligations, then we show how these can be handled by the KeY prover. Please make sure that the default settings of the KeY prover are selected (see Chapter 3.3) and the maximum number of automatic rule applications is 5000. Be aware that the names of the proof rules and the structure of the proof obligations may be subject to change in the future.
Method Specifications¶
Normal Behavior Specification Case.¶
In the left part of the Proof Obligation Browser, expand the directory
. Select the class PayCard
and then the method isValid
This method is specified by the JML annotation
public normal_behavior
requires true;
ensures result == (unsuccessfulOperations<=3);
assignable \nothing;
This JML method specification treats the normal‘_behavior
case, i.e.,
a method satisfying the precondition (JML boolean expression following
the requires
keyword) must not terminate abruptly throwing an
exception. Further each method satisfying the precondition must
terminate (missing diverges clause),
satisfy the postcondition -- the JML boolean expression after the
keyword, and -
only change the locations expressed in the
clause; here: must not change any location. The assignable clause is actually redundant in this concrete example, as the method is already marked aspure
which impliesassignable \nothing
Within KeY, you can now prove that the implementation satisfies the different aspects of the specification, i.e., that if the precondition is satisfied then the method actually terminates normally and satisfies the postconditon and that the assignable clause is respected. In addition it is also proven that the object invariants of the object on which the method call is invoked are preserved.
The contracts pane in the Proof Management window offers only one proof
obligation: JML normal_behavior opertaion contract
. It summarizes all
parts of the specification which will be considered in the proof.
The selected contract says that a call to this method, if the object
invariant holds ([pre] self.<inv>
), always terminates
normally and that the return
value is true iff the parameter
is \leq 3, Additionally, the object invariant
holds after the method call, therefore it is preserved. The sequent
displayed in the large prover window after loading the proof obligation
exactly reflects this property. We confirm the selection by pressing the
Start proof button.
Start the proof by pushing the Start-button (the one with the green "play" symbol). The proof is closed automatically by the strategies. It might be necessary that you have to push the button more than once if there are more rule applications needed than you have specified with the "Max. Rule Applications" slider.
Exceptional Behavior Specification Case.¶
An example of an exceptional_behavior
specification case can be found
in the JML specification of PayCard::charge(int amount)
. The
exceptional case reads
public exceptional_behavior
requires amount <= 0;
This JML specification is for the exceptional case. In contrast to the
case, the precondition here states under which
circumstances the method is expected to terminate abruptly by throwing
an exception.
Use the Proof Management (either by clicking onto the button
[File] | [Proof Management]).
Continue as before, but this time, select the method
PayCard::charge(int amount)
. In contrast to the previous example, the
contracts pane offers you three contracts: two for the normal behavior
case and one for the exceptional case. As we want to prove the contract
for the exceptional case select the contract named: JML
exceptional_behavior operation contract.
The KeY proof obligation for this specification requires that if
the parameter amount
is negative or equal to 0, then the method
throw a IllegalArgumentException
Start the proof again by pushing the run strategy-button. The proof is closed automatically by the strategies.
Generic Behavior Specification Case.¶
The method specification for method PayCard::createJuniorCard()
ensures \result.limit==100;
This is a lightweight specification, for which KeY provides a
proof obligation that requires the method to terminate (maybe abruptly)
and to ensure that, if it terminates normally, the limit
attribute of
the result equals 100 in the post-state. By selecting the method and
choosing the JML operation contract in the Contract Configurator, an
appropriate JavaDL formula is loaded in the prover. The proof can be
closed automatically by the automatic strategy.
Type Specifications¶
The instance invariant of type PayCard
public invariant log.\inv
&& balance >= 0 && limit > 0
&& unsuccessfulOperations >= 0 && log != null;
The invariant specifies that the balance
of a paycard must be
non-negative, that it must be possible to charge it with some money
(limit > 0
) and that the number of unsuccessfulOperations
cannot be
negative. Furthermore, the invariant states that the log file, which
keeps track of the transactions, must always exist (log != null
) and
that the instance referred to by log
has to satisfy the instance
invariant of its own class type (log.\inv
The method PayCard::charge()
must preserve this invariant unless it
does not terminate. This proof obligation is covered by proving that
must be satisfied in the precondition and must hold in the
postcondition. This has to be covered by all specification cases and is
included in the specification in the Contract Configurator (self.<inv>
in the pre- and in the postcondition).
There is one exception: if a method is annotated with the keyword
, the proof obligation will not include the invariants. An
example for such a method is LogRecord::setRecord()
. If a method is
declared as helper method, the invariant of the object on which the
method is called does not have to hold for its pre- and postcondition.
For more details, see 1. The advantage is a simpler proof
obligation; however, the disadvantage is that in order to show that the
method fulfills its contract, it is not possible to rely on the
In addition, invariants can also be annotated with an accessible
clause. In this clause, all fields and locations on which the invariant
depends have to be included. For example, the invariant of class
!empty ==> (balance >= 0 && transactionId >= 0);
and it is annotated with the accessible clause
accessible \inv: this.empty, this.balance,
transactionCounter, this.transactionId;
This means the invariant of LogRecord
depends at most on the fields or
locations given in the accessible
clause. If one of these fields is
changed by a method, it has to be proven that the invariant still holds.
The accessible clause can simplify proofs because in cases where the
heap is changed but not the mentioned fields and the validity of the
invariant is proven before, we know that the invariant still holds.
Proof-Supporting JML Annotations¶
In KeY, JML annotations are not only used to generate proof
obligations but also support proof search. An example are loop
invariants. In our scenario, there is a class LogFile
, which keeps
track of a number of recent transactions by storing the balances at the
end of the transactions. Consider the constructor LogFile()
of that
class. To prove the normal_behavior
specification proof obligation of
the method, one needs to reason about the incorporated while
Basically, there are two ways do this in KeY: use induction or use
loop invariants. In general, both methods require interaction with the
user during proof construction. For loop invariants, however, no
interaction is needed if the JML loop_invariant
annotation is used.
In the example, the JML loop invariant indicates that the array
contains newly created entries (fresh(logArray[x])
) and
that these entries are not null
in the array from the beginning up to
position i
/*@ loop_invariant
@ 0 <= i && i <= logArray.length &&
@ (\forall int x; 0 <= x && x < i; logArray[x] != null && \fresh(logArray[x]))
@ && LogRecord.transactionCounter >= 0;
@ assignable logArray[*], LogRecord.transactionCounter;
@ decreases logArray.length - i;
logArray[i++] = new LogRecord();
If the annotation had been skipped, we would have been asked during the proof to enter an invariant or an induction hypothesis. With the annotation no further interaction is required to resolve the loop.
Select the contract JML normal behavior operation contract
Choose Loop treatment None and start the prover. When no further rules can be applied automatically, select the while loop including the leading updates, press the mouse button, select the rule loopInvariant and then Apply Rule. This rule makes use of the invariants and assignables specified in the source code. Restart the strategies and run them until all goals are closed.
As can be seen, KeY makes use of an extension to JML, which is that assignable clauses can be attached to loop bodies, in order to indicate the locations that can at most be changed by the body. Doing this makes formalizing the loop invariant considerably simpler as the specifier needs not to add information to the invariant specifying all those program variables and fields that are not changed by the loop. Of course one has to check that the given assignable clause is correct, this is done by the invariant rule. We refer to 2 for further discussion and pointers on this topic.
Benjamin Weiß. Deductive Verification of Object-Oriented Software: Dynamic Frames, Dynamic Logic and Predicate Abstraction. PhD thesis, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, 2011. ↩
Wolfgang Ahrendt, Bernhard Beckert, Richard Bubel, Reiner Hähnle, Peter H. Schmitt, and Mattias Ulbrich, editors. Deductive Software Verification - The KeY Book - From Theory to Practice. Volume 10001 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science. Springer, December 2016. ISBN 978-3-319-49811-9. doi:10.1007/978-3-319-49812-6. ↩