KeY's Extension to Java¶
weigl, 2021
Proof Java¶
The first extension is Proof Java (PJava) which brings new proof- and JML-related construct into Java.
New constructs:
- JML-support:
- escaped identifiers
- new modifiers:
- New top-level
- simplified function calls
- KeY-support:
- New statements:
, symbolic execution.
General escape expression¶
An escape expression is a primary expression which captures the use of
escaped identifier. An escaped identifier (<escapedId>
) is a regular
Java identifier which starts with an escape char \
, e.g., \abc
. Following is invalid: \1
or \2a
An escape expression is a variable access or function application with an escaped identifier:
<escapedId>( <expr> )
<escapedId>( <expr>,<expr> )
<escapedId>( <expr>,<expr>, ... )
Implicit Identifiers¶
KeY uses a third identifier kind, the implicit identifiers. These are
Java identifiers enclosed by angular brackets <...>
We should change this into something unambigous. Normally,
synthetic fields or classes uses the dollar sign $
<expr> .. <expr>
An artefact from an old time? --- defined but unused currently.
method-frame ( [ result-> <name> ,] source = <method-signature>@<type> [, this = <expr>] ) : <block>
<expr> @ <type>;
<name> = <expr> @ <type>;
#beginJavaCardTransaction ;
#commitJavaCardTransaction ;
#finishJavaCardTransaction ;
#abortJavaCardTransaction ;
merge_point ( <expr> );
loop-scope ( <expr> ) <block>
exec <block>
[ ccatch ( \Return ) <block> ]
(ccatch( \Return <type> <id> ))*
[ ccatch( \\Break ) <block>]
( ccatch ( "\\Break" <id> ) <block> )*
[ ccatch ( \Break * ) <block> ]
[ ccatch ( \Continue ) <block> ]
( ccatch ( \Continue name ) <block> )*
[ ccatch ( \Continue * ) <block> ]
( ccatch ( <parameter> )<block>
Schema Java¶
The second extension is Schema Java (SJava) for the specification of patterns. SJava has new construct, which are translated into placeholder AST, also known as Schemavariables (SV). Beside of these placeholder, where are some meta-construct for the term rewriting.
In particular, the extension has following
Schema Variables¶
Schema variables are the new main feature of SJava. A schema variable
is a regular Java identifier but it start with an hash #
, e.g.,
, #a
, #averlongvariable123
. A schema variable is not allowed
to start with a number, e.g., #1
, #2a
A schema variable can occur at every position where a normal identifier can occur. In some cases it has a refined meaning:
#a + #b
(#T) (#b - #q)
class #NAME { }
#var + 2 -
#obj.#field1.#field2.#method(#arg1, #arg2);
Schema variables also be combined with the constructs of PJava.
Refined meaning occurs when a schema identifier occurs in certain spots, i.e., as a type, as a statement, ...
Passive Expression¶
@ ( <expr> )
I do not know.
Contextual Block Statement (Start Block)¶
A block with context information
{ . <method-signature>@<type>(<expr>) .. <statements> ... }
{ . <exec> .. <statements> ... }
{ .. <statements> ... }
{ <statements> }
#unwind-loop( <label> , <label>, <loopStatement>);
#unwind-loop-bounded(<label>, <label>, <loopStatement>);
#for-to-while(<label>, <label>, <statement>);
#replace(<statement>, <variable>);
#method-call([<variable>,] [<variable>,], <primaryExpression>);
#expand-method-body(<statement>[, <variable>]);
#constructor-call(<variable>, <variable>);
"#post-work" ( consRef = ExpressionSV() ) ";"
"#static-initialisation" ( activeAccess = PrimaryExpression() ) ";"
"#resolve-multiple-var-decl" ( stat = Statement() ) ";"
"#array-post-declaration" ( stat = Statement() ) ";"
"#init-array-creation" ( sv = VariableSV() "," consRef = ExpressionSV() ) ";"
"#init-array-creation-transient" ( sv = VariableSV() "," consRef = ExpressionSV() ) ";"
"#init-array-assignments" ( sv = VariableSV() "," consRef = ExpressionSV() ) ";"
"#enhancedfor-elim" ( loopStat=ForStatement() ) ";"
<REATTACHLOOPINVARIANT> ( loopStat = WhileStatement() ) ";"
Schema Statement¶
Schema Type¶