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How to extend recoder



Recoder is planned to be removed. See PR #3120.

These notes explain the changes to the existing code of the KeY system that are necessary to add a new data type to JML. If the new data type is only used in JML specifications then only the changes described in Section 1 need to be done. If you want to use ghost variables or ghost fields, in particular assignments to ghost variables and fields of the new adt then in addition the changes described in Section 2 need to be done.

These notes do not aim to provide an understanding of the existing code they just tell the user what to do by mimicking what is already there. We take the data type Seq of finite sequences as a model.

In the following we use Basepath as an abbreviation for the path\ gitKeY/key/key/key.core/src/de/uka/ilkd/key/

Extension Of The JML Parser

At the moment the following instructions do not cover the addition of new variable binder symbols.

Change file: KeYJMLLexer.g

Here are some existing entries:

SEQ       : '\\seq';  //KeY extension, not official JML
SEQCONCAT : '\\seq_concat'; //KeY extension, not official JML
SEQEMPTY  : '\\seq_empty';  //KeY extension, not official JML

that you change to fit the purpose. It is important to note that it is here that you establish the syntax that is to be used in the code for the data type name and its operations. In the present case that is \seq for the data type of finite sequences and \seq_concat for the concatenation operation and \seq_empty for the empty sequence. Note, the addition escape character \. At the same time you also establish a name for the corresponding nonterminal grammar symbol.

Personal note: I am suprised that seqLen does not occur here.

Change file: KeYJMLParser.g


Look for the existing grammar rule for sequences which looks roughly like this:

    sequence returns [SLExpression ret = null] throws SLTranslationException
    @init {
        ImmutableList<Term> tlist = null;
        KeYJavaType typ;
        Term t, t2;
        Token tk = null;
        Pair<KeYJavaType,ImmutableList<LogicVariable>> declVars = null;
    @after { ret = result; }
         result=new SLExpression(tb.seqEmpty());
     |  (tk2=SEQCONCAT{tk=tk2;} | tk3=SEQGET{tk=tk3;} | tk4=INDEXOF{tk=tk4;})
          LPAREN e1=expression COMMA e2=expression RPAREN

Add a new rule replacing the name sequences and adapt what follows after the colon :.

Change 2

In the jmlprimary rule take the entry

       | SEQCONCAT
       | SEQGET
       | INDEXOF)
             => result = sequence    

as a model. Of course you replace sequence in this example by the rule name you chose in the first change. Do not forget to add an equivalent for your new data type for the line

    | (LPAREN (SEQDEF | SEQ) quantifiedvardecls SEMI)

This is neacessary fo parsing quantifier variables of the new data type.

Change 3

In the builtintype rule add a new entry for your data type mimicking

     |   SEQ
            type = javaInfo.getKeYJavaType(PrimitiveType.JAVA_SEQ);

Change file:

Look for the section starting with the comment lines

    //sequence operators

add a suitably adapted section for the new data type. You will notice that you have to use the method names introduced in the public interface section in OrdLDT.

Create files

For each nonterminal NT for an operator as declared in KeYJMLLexer.g create a class file in the directory\ Basepath/java/expression/operator/adt following the examples\ Take or as an example.\ It is a good idea to pick a name NameNT that somehwo resembles NT.

Constants are treated as literals, not as operators, and their corresponding files go into a different directory. See below.

Calls to the constructors of these new classes are passed on via super to the constructors of the class it extends, or So here there is nothing else to do but renaming. You should also get the getArity() right.\ I also set the result of the getPrecedence() method to 0. I am not sure if that is always correct.

Work needs to be done for the last two methods visit(Visitor v) and prettyPrint(PrettyPrinter p) as will be detailed in the next steps.

Change file:

This class is an interface. All you have to do here is to add a line that adapts the examples you see, e.g. void performActionOnSeqConcat(SeqConcat x);

Change file:

The empty method specifications from are overwritten here. Just copy what you see, e.g. for performActionOnSeqConcat and do the appropriate renaming.

Change file:

This is an abstract class. You need to add a default method implementation. See performActionOnSeqConcat(SeqConcat x) for a model.

Always when you edit a file check the import clauses. You need to add an adaption of import; in all three files you edit in the last three steps. You replace of course SeqConcat by the name of the file you created in step 2.

The files for literals go into the directory Basepath/java/expression/literal instead.

Change file:

You need to add a method printnewOp for your operator newOp in the data type newAdt. tylke your leads e.g. from printSeqConcat. Of course you enter here the string you want to see printer for your operator.

Create files

in directory Basepath/java/expression/literals\ This parallels the creation of files like for the operation SeqConcat, but now for the literals declared in KeYJMLLexer.g. Note, that these files go into a different directory. The following changes also parallel those for operators except that for literals is not affected.

Change file:

Change file:

Change fil:

Create file

in directory Basepath/ldt\ Look at the existing file as a model for the new file to be created. You will note that for every literal and operation class created in java.expression.literal and java.expression.operator.adt a field of type Function is declared. To choose a name for this field best follow the pattern you find in The link between the classes in java.expression.operator.adt and the fields are effected in method getFunctionFor. The link between the classes in java.expression.literal and the fields are effected in method translateTerm.

Also note that in the constructor SeqLDT(TermServices services) e.g. in the line

seqConcat   = addFunction(services, "seqConcat");

the string, here "seqConcat", must match the declarations in the .key file, here in seq.key.

Make sure to include all the files created in the previous two create steps in the import statements.

This is a lot of work.

Change file in directory Basepath/ldt/\ In the body of the method getNewLDTInstances(Services s) add aline for the new data type mimicking the existing lines, e.g.\ ret.put(SeqLDT.NAME, new SeqLDT(s));

Change file in Basepath/java\ Add a line for the new data type taking the following line for the sequence data type as a model:

 public SeqLDT getSeqLDT() {
    return (SeqLDT) getLDT(SeqLDT.NAME);

and, as always, do not forget the necessary import statement.

Extension Of The Recoder To KeY Translation

Change file in directory Basepath/ldt\ Add a line for the new data type mimicking e.g. the existing line for the Seq data type

  ret.put(SeqLDT.NAME, new SeqLDT(s));

Change file

ProofJavaParser.jj in Basepath/parser/proofjava/

Change 1

In section /* RESERVED WORDS AND LITERALS */ mimick the line\ | < SEQ: "\\seq" >\ The string SEQ for the nonterminal of the grammar and the name \seq for the new data type are the same as in the grammar file KeYJMLLexer.g in Basepath/speclang/jml/translation. Note, the additional escape character \. The notation you substitute for \seq will be used in the annotated Java code.

Change 2

Below TypeReference PrimitiveType() : add a line by adapting\ | "\\seq"

Change 3

Look for ADTGetter() : and add all getter symbols of the new data type Just mimick what you see there for operators starting with \seq_. Here is an example:

  "\\seq_concat" "(" expr=Expression() "," result=Expression()")"
      result = new SeqConcat(expr, result)

enclosed in the disjunctive separator symbol | of the grammar syntax. The name of the operator in place of \seq_concat you take from the grammar file KeYJMLLexer.g in Basepath/speclang/jml/translation. The result in the above code fragment refers to a constructor, SeqConcat(expr,result), for the class SeqConcat. It is your job to add these classes, one for each operator, getter, constructor or literal. See below.

Change 4

Look for ADTConstructor() : and add all constructor symbols for the new data type. Here is a guiding example from the seq data type:

  "\\seq_concat" "(" expr = Expression() "," result = Expression() ")"
      result = new SeqConcat(expr, result)

Change 5

Constants are not considered as constructors. You have to add them as literals. Here is a simple example that suffices for the simplest case of just adding one literal.

EmptySeqLiteral EmptySeqLiteral() :
    EmptySeqLiteral result;
      result = EmptySeqLiteral.INSTANCE;
      return result;

Things get complicated if you want families of literals as e.g. in bigint. I did not investigate this.

Change file in directory Basepath/java\ convert methods needs to be added. Again look for the line\ public SeqConcat convert(...adt.SeqConcat e)\ and do the appropriate changes.

Do not forget to add the necessary import statements.

Change file in directory Basepath/java/abstraction\ Here is the entry for the data type of finite sequence that you may take as a model:

public static final PrimitiveType JAVA_SEQ =
   new PrimitiveType("\\seq", EmptySeqLiteral.INSTANCE, SeqLDT.NAME);

The second argument refers to the default element for the new data type. See below.

Create files

in the directory Basepath/java/recoderext/adt/ for each operator and each literal introduced in KeYJMLLexer.g in directory\ Basepath/speclang/jml/translation.

Look at,, and as examples for literals, unary and binary operators.

In these files you find a field private static final long serialVersionUID which you can safely set to 0.

Change file in Basepath/java/recoderext\ In this file the default element of the new data tpye is handled. Mimic the line

} else if ("\\seq".equals(type.getName())) {
       return EmptySeqLiteral.INSTANCE;

and include the file that replaces EmptySeqLiteral in the import statements.

Change file in directory\ gitKeY/key/key/key.core/src/recoder/service\ First include all the new files you created in the directory\ Basepath/java.recoderext.adt in the import statements. Then extend the method public Type getType(Expression expr) appropriately. It seems that only constructor symbols need to be included.

Change file in directory\ Basepath/logic/sort.\ This is important for the selection of applicable taclets during proof search. It tells the matching algorithm for schema variables to treat adt expressions as simple expressions, e.g. when used in assignments to ghost fields.

User Interface

You may also want to add a description of the functions of your new data type to the Info tab in the user interface. This is done by adding to the xml- file functionExplanations.xml in the directory\ gitKeY/key/key/key.ui/resources/de/uka/ilkd/key/gui/help.

Find the Error

To find the possible error when KeY fails to load I have added the following piece of code

 System.out.println("reached reportError with message "+message); 
 System.out.println("throwable is "+ t); sw = new; pw = new;

at the beginning of the method body for reportError(String message, Throwable t) in file in directory Basepath/java.\ This prints the error trace of the thrown exception t and might give you a hint what could be the problem.