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JML Grammar


Cheat sheet and definition for JML*, the JML-dialect of KeY.

Currently under construction.


Java Modelling Language (JML) is a specification for Java software and currently the only supported specification language in KeY. JML is itself an extension and also a restriction of Java, e.g., an Java expression is a valid JML expression and thus it can be used inside ensures clauses, but for well-definedness reason this expression has to side-effect free.

KeY supports a subset of JML, as defined in its own reference manual, and has also added extension to this subset. The KeY-supported dialect is called JML*.

In this document, we give rather technical, reference like overview of the grammar and tweaks of JML*.

JML* the top level view

JML* specification are defined within Java comments, which starts with an @ sign. Valid JML* comments are:

//@ public instance invariant true;
    public model int x = 0;

In contrast to the JML reference, KeY currently does not support comment tags. Therefore //+KeY@ is currently not a legal.


A common beginners mistakes is a white space between // and @ sign, like // @. These commons are not considers as JML comments.

This is also a nice trick to disable JML comments.

JML comments can be placed in any valid position where also a Java comment can be placed. But in practise, you should keep strict policy:

  • Comments with invariants, method and field declaration are part of the class, and should be placed where the member variables are declared.
  • There are also JML comments, which contains only additional modifier. These comments should be placed along the Java modifiers.
  • Method contracts should be place for a the associated method, like loop contracts should directly placed before a Java loop statement and block contracts for Java code blocks.
  • The last category are JML comments that are used as Java statements. These should be placed as Java statements.

In the following, we go through each JML detail.

Entity names

In a recent update of the JMLref, JML entities can carry a name. KeY currently supports names upon following entities:

  • class invariants, axioms, intitially
  • loop invariants, decreasing
  • clauses: ensures, requires, maesured_by, captures, diverges, duration, when, signals, breaks, continues, returns, signals_only, readable_if, writeable_if, monitors_for, history_contraint,
  • statement: set, assume and assert
  • contracts
  • On JML terms via \lbl(*name*, term) function

These labels do not carry semantics. These are just names which can be exploited.


You can use the feature flag JML_ENTITY_NAMES_AS_TERMLABEL to activate the transfer of the JML entity names into KeY's term label (label named(X) for entity name "X"). This can be used for further analysis.

For example:

class Test {
    //@ public invariant MY_SUPER_INVARIANT: CONST == 42;
    public final int CONST = 42;

    /*@ requires Z: this != null;
      @ ensures A: \result == 42;
      @ ensures B: \result >= 0;
      @ ensures C: \result != 0; */
    public int foo() {return CONST;}

JML Method Contracts

jmlContract     : [JML_START](#JML_START)
                  [methodContracts](#methodContracts) mod* 
                  [JML_END](#JML_END) ;

methodContracts : ALSO? methodContract ( ALSO methodContract )*
                  (clause |

clause      : (   requires
                | ensures
                | signals
                | signalsOnly
                | diverges
                | determs
                | assign
                | acc
                | mby )


  • pure
  • strictly_pure
  • model
  • helper
  • nullable_by_default
  • public
  • private
  • protected
  • package
  • non_null
  • nullable

JML statements

set <ghost_var> = <>;

assert <expr>

assume <expr>

requires    : REQUIRES heap* expr  ;
ensures     : ENSURES heap* expr   ;
signals     : SIGNALS LPAREN typeType id? RPAREN expr;
signalsOnly : SIGNALS_ONLY
                typeType (COMMA typeType )*

diverges    : DIVERGES expr

determs     :   DETERMINES exprs
                BY exprs
                ( DECLASSIFIES exprs  | ERASES exprs )?
                ( NEW_OBJECTS exprs )?

jmlClassElem    : JML_START classElem JML_END

jmlModifier     : JML_START  mod (COMMA? mod)* JML_END

jmlBlockCntr    : JML_START blockContracts JML_END


classElem       : classSpec+  |  modelMethod

classSpec   : visibility? (classInv | fieldDecl | represents | accessible ) SEMI_TOPLEVEL;


classInv    :   (STATIC | INSTANCE)?


fieldDecl   :  (INSTANCE|STATIC)? ( GHOST | MODEL ) (INSTANCE|STATIC)? typeType id (COMMA id)*


represents  :  REPRESENTS
                ( expr | id ASSIGN expr | id SUCH_THAT expr)
                (COMMA ( expr | id ASSIGN expr | id SUCH_THAT expr) )*


accessible  : ACCESSIBLE id COLON expr (COMMA expr)* mby?

modelMethod : (visibility? MODEL_BEHAVIOR methodContracts)?
              visibility? ( NO_STATE | TWO_STATE | HELPER | STATIC)*
              ( NO_STATE | TWO_STATE | HELPER | STATIC)*
              visibility? STATIC? typeType IDENTIFIER ('(' params? ')')?
              ( LBRACE RETURN expr SEMI RBRACE
              | SEMI_TOPLEVEL

params      : jmlTypeType id ( COMMA jmlTypeType id )*

A heap specification is an identifier enclosed with angle brackets.


* <javacard>
* <first>
heap        : (LT IDENTIFIER GT)


assign      : (ASSIGNABLE |  MODIFIABLE | MODIFIES ) heap* expr (COMMA expr )*

acc         : ACCESSIBLE heap* expr (COMMA expr )* mby?


mby         : MEASURED_BY exprs



An annotation is a JML construct that can disappear
within a sequence of statements.

annot       : setStm SEMI_TOPLEVEL
            | assert_ SEMI_TOPLEVEL
            | fieldDecl SEMI_TOPLEVEL
            | UNREACHABLE
            | loopInv
            | blockContracts
Entry point for annotations.
jmlAnnotation   : JML_START annot+ JML_END

loopInv     :   (
                    ( loopInvclause
                    | variantclause
                    | assign
                    | determs
The loop_invariant clause.

Loop_invariants are allowed to be specified for a list of <heap>s
 and only takes one expression.


* loop_invariant<h1> (\forall int i; i < j; f(i))
loopInvclause   : LOOP_INVARIANT  heap* expr


variantclause   : DECREASES exprs

blockContracts  : ALSO? blockContract (ALSO blockContract)*

blockContract   : visibility? bbehavior? bclause+

Enumeration of behaviours for block contracts:

We support the british and american english keywords.

* behavior
* normal_behaviour
* exceptional_behaviour
* break_behavior
* continue_behavior
* return_behavior
bbehavior       : BEHAVIOR
                | NORMAL_BEHAVIOR
                | EXCEPTIONAL_BEHAVIOR
                | BREAK_BEHAVIOR
                | CONTINUE_BEHAVIOR
                | RETURN_BEHAVIOR

Clause in a block contract.

A block contract can either be a
* breaks
* continues
* returns
* or a clauses of a method contract (cf. <clause>).
bclause         :
                ( breaks SEMI_TOPLEVEL
                | returns_ SEMI_TOPLEVEL
                | clause

A breaks non-terminal describes the irregular control within a loop.


* breaks () true
* breaks (a) a==2
* continues (abc) a&2!=1
breaks          : (BREAKS | CONTINUES)
                  LPAREN id? RPAREN expr

returns_        : RETURNS expr

setStm          : SET location=expr ASSIGN value=expr

assert_         : ASSERT_ expr


exprs           :  (expr COMMA)* expr


| Operators             | Precedence                    |
| postfix               | expr++ expr--                 |
| unary                 | ++expr --expr +expr -expr ~ ! |
| multiplicative        |  * / %                        |
| additive              | + -                           |
| shift                 | << >> >>>                     |
| relational            |  < > <= >= instanceof         |
| equality              |  ==  !=                       |
| bitwise AND           | `&`                           |
| bitwise exclusive OR  |`^`                            |
| bitwise inclusive OR  |`|`                            |
| logical AND           |`&&`                           |
| logical OR            | `||`                          |
| ternary               | ? :                           |
| assignment            | = += -= *= /= %= &= ^= |= <<= >>= >>>= |

expr  :
    // We start with the base cases, that have no degrees of freedom for selection to achieve a fast parser
      jmlPrimary                                                                                            #exprLiteral
    | quantifiedExpr                                                                                  #exprComprehension
    | LPAREN (LBLPOS | LBLNEG) IDENTIFIER expr RPAREN                                                       #labeledExpr
    | LPAREN expr RPAREN                                                                                     #exprParens
    //| (expr DOT ) id                                                                                  #exprFieldAccess
    |  expr LBRACK expr RBRACK                                                                          #exprArrayAccess
    |  expr LBRACK expr DOTDOT expr RBRACK                                                               #exprArryLocSet
    |  expr LBRACK MUL RBRACK                                                                           #exprArrayAccess
    //  cascade from the highest to the lowest precedence
    | LPAREN typeType RPAREN expr                                                                              #exprCast
    | SUB expr                                                                                           #exprUnaryMinus
    | BANG expr                                                                                       #exprLogicalNegate
    | TILDE expr                                                                                       #exprBinaryNegate
    | NEW (id DOT)* id                                                                                          #exprNew
    | expr bop=DOT id                                                                                            #access
    | expr bop=DOT MUL                                                                                           #locAll

    | expr MUL expr                                                                                  #exprMultiplication
    | <assoc=right> expr op=(MOD|DIV) expr                                                                #exprDivisions
    | expr op=(SUB|ADD) expr                                                                          #exprLineOperators

    | expr (LT LT | GT GT GT | GT GT) expr                                                                   #exprShifts

    | expr op=(LE|GE|GT|LT|INSTANCEOF|ST) expr                                                           #exprRelational

    // ST is for type comparison
    | expr op=(EQUAL|NOTEQUAL) expr                                                                      #exprEqualities

    | expr op=BITAND expr                                                                                 #exprBinaryAnd
    | expr op=CARET expr                                                                                  #exprBinaryXor
    | expr op=BITOR expr                                                                                   #exprBinaryOr
    | expr op=AND expr                                                                                   #exprLogicalAnd
    | expr op=OR expr                                                                                     #exprLogicalOr

    | expr LBRACK expr DOTDOT expr RBRACK                                                               #exprSubSequence
    | expr QUESTION expr COLON expr                                                                         #exprTernary
    // end of java hierarchy

    | expr op=IMPLIES expr                                                                         #exprImplicationRight
    | expr op=IMPLIESBACKWARD expr                                                                  #exprImplicationLeft
    | expr op=EQUIVALENCE expr                                                                          #exprEquivalence
    | expr op=ANTIVALENCE expr                                                                          #exprAntivalence
    | expr LPAREN exprs? RPAREN                                                                            #exprFunction
    | id LPAREN exprs? RPAREN                                                                              #exprFunction
    | THIS #exprThis
    | SUPER #exprSuper

    : LPAREN expr RPAREN
    | THIS
    | SUPER
    | literal
    | typeTypeOrVoid DOT CLASS
    | nonWildcardTypeArguments (explicitGenericInvocationSuffix | THIS arguments)
    | methodReference // Java 8
    | jmlTypeType

A comprehension is a variable binder with a list of expression

* (\forall int x; x > 0 && x < a.length; p(x) )
* (\sum int x; x>= 0 && x < 10; x+1)
* (\product int x; x>= 0 && x < 10; y)
* (\max int x; x>= 0 && x < 10; f(x))

Currently following comprehension are defined:
    \sum, \product, \max, \min, \num_of, \exists, \foreach, \infinite_union

            typeType id (COMMA id)* SEMI
            (expr SEMI)*

            //  LPAREN '\\lblneg' id expr RPAREN
            //   LPAREN '\\lblpos' id expr RPAREN

Identifier in JML are

* normal java identifier or
* symbols that begin with a backslash '\'

We try to minimize the specific usage of specific DL keywords,
and catch false usage later.

Types are just normal identifiers, e.g.

* boolean
* byte
* char
* short
* int
* long
* \bigintv
* \seq
* \locset
* nullMod? id ('[]')
jmlTypeType:  (NULLABLE | NON_NULL)? typeType