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The KeY tool is continually developed, meaning that parts of this tutorial may be outdated when you read it. Moreover, the JML semantics are subject to discussion, and there is no formal semantics specification for JML. Differences between the JML semantics of other tools and the (implicitly given) semantics in KeY are therefore possible. The JML dialect of KeY even extends JML in some points (as we have seen above for assignable clauses in loop_invariants).

KeY 2.10 has been tested on Linux, MacOS, and Windows.

List of Menu Options

In the following, we describe some menu items available in the main menu of the KeY prover.

  • File -- File related actions
  • Load Example -- Opens a file browser with included example files.
  • Load -- Loads a problem or proof file; selecting a directory opens the proof management window with the generated proof obligation for the chosen specification language
  • Reload -- Reloads last file loaded.
  • Edit last opened file -- If a default external editor is set, this action opens the last opened file in the default external editor.
  • Save -- Saves the current selected proof. Note, that if there are several proofs loaded (see the upper left pane) only the one currently worked on is saved.
  • Save as Proof Bundle -- Saves the current selected proof as a bundle containing not only the proof itself but all source file required to reload it.
  • Quicksave -- Saves the current selected proof to a temporary file.
  • Quickload -- Loads the last quicksaved proof.
  • Proof Management -- Allows browsing through the available proof obligations.
  • Load User-defined Taclets -- Allows to activate and deactivate theories given as taclet collection in a .key file.
  • Prove
    • User-Defined Taclets -- Loads user-defined taclets and generates the corresponding proof obligation.
    • KeY's Taclets -- Creates proof obligations for some selected taclets.
    • Taclets using the batch mode
  • Recent Files -- List the last few loaded files (if they are still present).
  • Exit -- Quits the KeY prover (be warned: the current proof is lost!).

  • View -- Settings influencing the look of the user interface

    • Use Pretty Syntax -- If set, infix notation for functions and predicates are used.
    • Use Unicode Symbols -- If set, unicode symbols instead of ASCII symbols are used for logical symbols.
    • Use Syntax Highlighting -- Use syntax highlighting in the sequent.
    • Term labels -- Toggle the visibility of different kinds of term labels. As explained in Sec. 3.3, these do not change the semantics of the sequent but carry additional information that helps guide the automatic proof search and/or user.
    • Hide Package Prefixes -- Print unqualified class names in the sequent instead of qualified ones.
    • Show Tooltips in Sequent View -- Show a tooltip with additional information about the currently selected term.
    • Show Tooltips in Source View -- Show a tooltip with additional information about the currently selected term.
    • Font size -- Changes the font size of the sequent and source views.
    • ToolTip options -- Configures the tooltip shown when hovering over a taclet in the list of applicable taclets.
    • Visual Node Diff -- Opens a new window which allows to view the difference between two chosen proof nodes.
    • Select goal -- Select another goal in the current proof.
    • Heatmap -- Configure heatmaps. This feature---turned off by default---highlights the most recent changes in the sequent.
    • Layout -- Save and load the current UI layout.
    • Exploration -- Options pertaining to proof exploration.
    • Exploration mode -- Enables proof exploration. This allows you to rewrite, add, or remove formulas on the sequent.
    • Hide justification -- Editing the sequent creates a justification branch, in which you must show that your edit does not compromise the correctness of the proof. This option allows you to hide these justification branches.
  • **Proof* -- Proof specific options

  • Start -- Run the proof (semi-)automatically w.r.t. to current strategy options.

  • Undo Last Rule Application -- Undo one proof step.
  • Prune proof -- Undo all proof steps below the currently selected node.
  • Abandon Proof -- Quits the currently active proof. All other loaded problems will stay in the KeY prover.
  • Search in proof tree -- Opens a textfield in the proof pane, which allows to search for a string in the proof tree.
  • Search in sequent view -- Opens a window with a textfield in the lower-left corner of the current goal pane, which allows to search for a string in the sequent view.
  • Show used contracts
  • Show Active Taclet Options -- Shows the taclet options chosen for the current proof.
  • Show All Active Settings -- Opens a window displaying all settings used in the current proof.
  • Show Proof Statistics -- Shows some general statistics about the proof size and interactive steps.
  • Show Known Types -- Lists all types present in the current proof environment.
  • Search for Counterexample -- Searches for a counterexample to the current proof. This requires an SMT solver to be installed.

    • Generate Testcases -- Generate test cases for open goals in the proof. This requires an SMT solver to be installed.
  • **Options* -- General options

    • Show Settings -- Open a settings dialog to configure KeY's appearance.
    • Show Taclet Options -- In the following, each taclet option is described briefly. The respective default settings are given in parenthesis. The meaning of all settings is beyond the scope of this quicktour. Please use the default settings unless you know what you are doing. Note that this list is not complete.

      • JavaCard -- ([off]) There are two values for this option: [on] and [off]. Switches all taclets axiomatising JavaCard specific features like transaction on or off.
      • assertions -- ([on]) There exists are different values for this option

        • on -- evaluates assert statements and raises an AssertionException if the condition evaluates to false. This behaviour models the behaviour of the Java virtual machine with assertions enabled globally.
        • off -- skips evaluation of assert statement. In particular, the arguments of the assert statements are not evaluated at all. This behaviour models the behaviour of the Java virtual machine with assertions disabled globally.
        • safe -- using this option ensures that the shown property is valid no matter if assertions are globally enabled or disabled. Proofs with this option are typically harder.

        Please note: There is no support other than option [safe] for enabling or disabling assertions package or class wise.

      • initialisation -- ([disableStaticInitialisation]) Specifies whether static initialization should be considered.

      • intRules -- ([arithmeticSemanticIgnoringOF]) Here you can choose between different semantics for Java integer arithmetic (for details see 123). Three choices are offered:

        • javaSemantics -- (Java semantics): Corresponds exactly to the semantics defined in the Java language specification. In particular this means, that arithmetical operations may cause over-/underflow. This setting provides correctness but allows over-/underflows causing unwanted side-effects. This corresponds to the code‘_java‘_math macro in JML.

        • arithmeticSemanticsIgnoringOF -- (Arithmetic semantics ignoring overflow, default): Treats the primitive finite Java types as if they had the same semantics as mathematical integers with infinite range. Thus this setting does not fulfil the correctness criteria. This corresponds to the code‘_bigint‘_math macro in JML.

        • arithmeticSemanticsCheckingOF -- (Arithmetic semantics prohibiting overflow): Same as above but the result of arithmetical operations is not allowed to exceed the range of the Java type as defined in the language specification. This setting not only enforces the java semantics but also ascertains that no overflow occur. This corresponds to the code‘_safe‘_math macro in JML.

      • programRules -- ([Java]) Changes between different program languages7.

      • model field -- The semantics of model fields is given by the represents clause in the JML specification. The setting of this option decides how the represents clauses are handeled. It has two possible values [treatAsAxiom] and [showSatisfiability]:

        • treatAsAxiom -- Represents clauses are seen as axioms. If this option is set the satisfiability of the represents clauses is not shwon and therefore it may introduce inconsistent specifications, e.g., he following contradictory JML clause will not be rejected:\ //@ represents modelField == modelField + 1;

        • showSatisfiability -- For every expansion of the represents clause, the satisfiability of the definition has to be shown. Cross-definition inconsistencies can still be formulated, however:\ //@ represents modelField1 == modelField2;\ //@ represents modelField2 == modelField1 + 1;

      • runtime exception -- There are two possible ways for the KeY prover in handling runtime exceptions -- [ban] or [allow].

        • ban -- If runtime exceptions are banned, KeY treats the occurence of runtime exceptions as irrecoverable program failure. Setting this option results in smaller proofs and is complete for defensive programmed programs, i.e. programs which do not intentionally use corner cases.

        • allow -- If runtime exceptions are allowed, KeY treats runtime exceptions as defined in the Java language specification, i.e. implicit runtime exceptions8 are raised and therefore such exceptions have to be considered in the proof. Setting this option results in larger proofs.

      The current setting of the taclet options can be viewed by choosing Proof ->Show Active Taclet Options.

    • [Minimize Interaction] -- If this option is used and the automtaic strategy is used, KeY tries to minimize user interaction. That means that for example, if the KeY prover is able to find instantiations by itself, the user is not asked to provide them.

    • [Right Click for Macros] --

    • [One Step Simplification] -- In the KeY prover one step simplification is a mechanism to automatically apply several simplifying and normalization rule applications to the sequent. For the user these rule applications are aggregated into one visible rule application [One Step Simplification] in the proof tree. Setting this option often leads to simpler sequents and results in finding a proof faster, but the user lacks transparency of the proof, because the rule applications of the one step simplifier are not shown in very detail compared to all other rule applications in the KeY prover.

    • [Show SMT Solver Options]: -- This option allows you to choose one or more external decision procedures that can be invoked during proofs and to set options for each external solver seperately. There is a native interface to [Simplify]. A variety of other provers [CVC3], [Yices], and [Z3] are directly supported via SMTLIB 4. In addition, translations of taclets to the SMTLIB language can be written to a text file ([Taclet Translation]) to be loaded by any SMT prover. There are further options on the set of taclets to translate.

  • Interaction Logging -- These options configure the interaction log in the left pane, which logs all user interactions on the loaded proof.

  • Origin Tracking -- These options configure the origin tracking feature. By default, a JavaDL term's origin in the JML specification is tracked throughout the proof and highlighted in the source pane when mousing over the term.

List of all Strategy Tab Settings

  • Max. Rule Applications

    You can set the number N_{aut} of automatic rule applications using the slider. Even if the automatic strategy can still apply rules after N_{aut} applications, automatic proving stops.

  • Stop At

    Choose when strategy execution shall stop. Possible values are Default: strategy stops when no rules are applicable or the maximal number of steps is reached and Unclosable: strategy stops in all situations when Default stops but also already when the first goal is encountered on which no further rule is (automatically) applicable.

  • One-Step Simplification

    When this is Enabled, some sequences of simplification steps are combined into a single proof step, resulting in shorter, but less transparent proofs.

  • Proof splitting

    Influences usage of rules branching a proof tree. Only rules working on formulas not on programs fall under the chosen policy, i.e., program rules causing splits are still applied even if splitting is switched off. The values are free (withour restrictions), Delayed (allows still splitting but prefers other rules) and Off (no splitting).

  • Loop treatment

    This setting determines how while-loops are treated. They can be left untouched (None), handled using stated invariant contracts, or repeatedly unrolled (Expand). If handled using invariants, you can either choose the new Loop Scope rule (recommended), or the legacy Transformation-based rule.

  • Block treatment

    It is possible to specify Java blocks with contracts. This option allows to set how KeY treats such contracts.

    • internal contract -- If this option is set, Java blocks are replaced by their contract. Three properties have to be shown in the proof:

      • the validity of the contract
      • the precondition if the contract is satisfied
      • the use case of the contract
    • external contract -- If this option is set, Java blocks are replaced by their contract. Only the precondition and the use case are shown in the current proof; the validity is outsourced to its own proof obligation which can be selected in the Proof Obligation Browser.

    • expand -- If this option is set, Java blocks are expanded and block contracts are not used.

  • Method treatment -- Methods can also be left untouched (None), have their method contracts applied (Contracts), or be inlined, i.e. have the method body expanded in place (Expand).

  • Merge-point statements -- Merge-point statements are annotations in the source code. When two proof branches reach the same merge-point statement, they can be merged if this setting is set to Merge. If it is set to Skip, the merge-point statements are ignored; if it is set to None, the automatic proof search stops when encountering a merge-point statement. For more details on merge-point statements, see 5.

  • Dependency contracts

    For the simplification of heap terms setting this option to On the information in JML's accessible clause is used.

  • Query treatment

    A query is a method that is used as a function in the logic and stems from the specification. There are three options for query treatment in KeY:

    • On -- Rewrite a query to a method call such that contracts or inlining (dependent on the method treatment setting) can be used.

    • Restricted -- Same as [On] but with restrictions:

      • Priority of expanding queries that occur earlier on a branch is higher than for queries introduced more recently. This approximates in a breath-first search with respect to query expansion.
      • Reexpansion of identical query terms is suppressed.
      • A query is not expanded if one of its arguments contains a literal greater than a computed limit9, or smaller than a computed limit. This helps detecting loops in a proof
      • Queries are expanded after the loop body in the Preserves Invariant branch of the loop invariant rule
      • Queries are expanded in the Base Case and the conclusio of the Step Case branch when using Auto Induction
    • Off -- The query statements are ignored and the proof has to be done without using them.

    In addition the KeY prover offers a setting for the expansion of local queries in certain safe cases. Safe cases are:

    • the return type of the expanded method is known

    • the object on which the methodcall is invoked is self or a parent of self.

    This setting is indepedent of the query treatment setting.

  • Arithmetic treatment

    The KeY prover has several options for the treatment of arithmetic expressions:

    • Basic -- Using this option, polynomial expressions are simplified. In the antecedent Gröbner Bases are computed polynomials. Linear inequations are handled using (partial) Omega procedures.

    • DefOps -- Using the option [DefOps], symbols such as: /, %, jdiv, jmod, ..., int_RANGE, short_MIN, ..., inInt, inByte, ..., addJint, mulJshort, ... are expanded.

    • Model Search -- Setting the model search option, the KeY prover supports non-linear equations and model search. Additionally multiplication of inequations with each other and systematic case distinctions (cuts) can be performed. This method is guaranteed to find counterexamples for invalid goals that only contain polynomial (in)equations. Such counterexamples turn up as trivially unprovable goals. It is also able to prove many more valid goals involving (in)equations, but will in general not terminate on such goals.

  • Quantifier treatment

    Sometimes quantifiers within the sequent have to be instantiated. This can be either done manually (None) or automatically with different alternatives:

    • No Splits -- Instantiate a quantifier only if this will not cause the proof to split.

    • Unrestricted -- Instantiates a quantifier even when causing splits. However the startegy tries to predict the number of caused open branches and will prefer those with no or only few splits.

    • No Splits with Progs -- Chooses between the No Splits and Unrestricted behaviour depending on prgrams present in the sequent. If a program is still present, the No splits behavior is used. Otherwise, quantifiers are instantiated without restrictions.

  • Class axiom rule

    This setting determines how class axioms and invariants are dealt with.

    • Free -- Class axioms are expanded freely.
    • Delayed -- Class axioms are only expanded after symbolic execution, i.e., when there are no more modalities on the sequent.
    • Off -- Class axioms are never expanded automatically.
  • Auto induction

    This setting can allow the KeY prover to automatically perform inductive proofs for certain formulas.

    • On -- Perform inductive proofs for formulas of a certain form.
    • Restricted -- Perform inductive proofs for formulas of a certain form, but only if the name of the induction variable ends with Ind or IND.
    • Off -- Don't perform inductive proofs automatically.

Handy Shortcuts and Buttons

In the following an overview of all shortcuts currently used in the KeY prover is given. Additional, if buttons in the toolbar exist, their actions are listed here as well.

Action/Command Shortcut Button in Toolbar
Load Ctrl+O image
Reload Ctrl+R image
Save Ctrl+S image
Proof Management Ctrl+M image
Exit Ctrl+Q
Edit last opened file - image
Use pretty syntax Ctrl+P
Font size: smaller Ctrl+Up
Font size: larger Ctrl+Down
Start automatic strategy Ctrl+S image
Abandon task Ctrl+W
Undo last rule application Ctrl+Z image
Search in proof tree Ctrl+F
Search in sequent view F3
Prune tree below selected node - image
SMT Solver - image
Taclet options Ctrl+T
Toggle one Step Simplifier Ctrl+Shift+S image

Setting Up Own Projects

If not specified otherwise via a classpath directive, KeY includes a restricted set of signatures of classes and methods from the default standard library. The current set of classes can be found at

For documentation on how to set up your own classpath, see Using the classpath directives in KeY.

  1. Steffen Schlager. Handling of Integer Arithmetic in the Verification of Java Programs. Master's thesis, Universität Karlsruhe, 2002. Available at: \url key/doc/2002/ 

  2. Steffen Schlager. Symbolic Execution as a Framework for Deductive Verification of Object-Oriented Programs. PhD thesis, Fakultät für Informatik der Universität Karlsruhe, February 2007. 

  3. Bernhard Beckert, Reiner Hähnle, and Peter H. Schmitt, editors. Verification of Object-Oriented Software: The KeY Approach. LNCS 4334. Springer-Verlag, 2007. 

  4. Clark Barrett, Silvio Ranise, Aaron Stump, and Cesare Tinelli. The Satisfiability Modulo Theories Library (SMT-LIB). \tt, 2008. 

  5. Dominic Steinhöfel and Reiner Hähnle. Abstract Execution, pages 319–336. Springer, Berlin, October 2019. URL:, doi:10.1007/978-3-030-30942-8\_20

  6. Gary T. Leavens, Erik Poll, Curtis Clifton, Yoonsik Cheon, Clyde Ruby, David Cok, Peter Müller, Joseph Kiniry, Patrice Chalin, and Daniel M. Zimmerman. Jml reference manual. Department of Computer Science, Iowa State University. Available from \url, July 2011. 

  7. Benjamin Weiß. Deductive Verification of Object-Oriented Software: Dynamic Frames, Dynamic Logic and Predicate Abstraction. PhD thesis, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, 2011. 

  8. With implicit exceptions, we mean exceptions not explicitely programmed by the developer using throw new java.lang.exception

  9. The computation of this limit is done with sophisticated methods for loop detection and would go beyond the scope of this quicktour